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Don't Be That KID! At Home


The KID is at it again! Older but not wiser! Each scene of Don’t Be That KID! At Home unfolds as our KID misbehaves at dinner, with friends, in the supermarket and even with the babysitter!

Each scene of Don’t Be That KID! At Home provides an opportunity to discuss character building values such as honesty, kindness, consideration, responsibility, respect, good sportsmanship, making good choices, completing tasks, being positive and self-reflection.

The Don’t Be That KID! Books and Resource Guide assist parents and teachers to stress life lessons. They reinforce proper behavior and character education priciples.

Any educational book that provides examples against which kids can measure their own actions and decisions is a winner in my opinion. Don’t Be That KID! is eye-catching, succinct and ideal for story times.

Loretta N., Foundation Director

Don’t Be That KID! At Home is a great tool for teaching children about the value of good behavior and good citizenship.

Dorothea C., grandmother of six
