A Hunger for Words
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Since 1967, the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) sponsors International Children's Book Day on April 2nd. Each year a member country selects a theme and chooses a well-known illustrator to design a poster and a prominent author of the country to write a personal message to children to inspire them to read. This year's country is Slovenia and the theme is "Hunger for Words".
IBBY encourages parents, teachers and children from around the world to participate in reading events in their local communities. This year it will be impossible to engage entire communities. But... please don't let that stop you! Let's all select a special children's book and designate a time on April 2nd to share it with children and grandchildren either in person or on video.
I know I'll be selecting "Don't Be That KID! At Home". I'll be reading it interactively with, not just at, a group of children through Zoom. I'll be discussing the scenes and the illustrations and how they relate to the narrative.
To quote Peter Svetina, the author selected this year: "Words in poetry and in stories are food. Not food for the body, not food that can fill up your stomach. But food for the spirit and food for the soul."