Importance of Bus Safety
Sunday, October 24, 2021
About 26 million children ride a school bus everyday. Their safety is the utmost concern of parents, educators, bus personnel and police. National Bus Safety Week is usually held the third week in October. The following list of rules has been compiled from various bus safety councils. There are bus safety activities for teachers to use separated into grades K-1, 2-3 and 4-5 in the "Don't Be That KID! Resource Guide". If your child rides a school bus, please go over these rules!
At the Bus Stop:
1. Always walk, not run, to the bus stop.
2. Walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left facing traffic.
3. Be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
4. Wait in a safe place away from the road. Reserve running or playing for the playground.
5. Only speak to people you know at the bus stop and never get into a car with a stranger.
6. Watch for the red flashing lights and the stop sign to be extended when the bus arrives.
7. Cross the street only when all traffic has stopped. Look left, right and left again before crossing.
8. Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before approaching the bus.
9. Use the handrail when boarding.
On the Bus:
1. Walk directly to a seat. Remain seated and facing forward for the entire ride.
2. Talk quietly so the driver will not be distracted.
3. If you need to speak to the driver, wait for the bus to stop, raise your hand, and call the driver by name.
4. Keep all items inside the bus; never throw things on the bus or out the window.
5. Keep your head, arms and hands inside the bus at all times and away from the windows.
6. Keep aisles clear of books and bags.
7. Never play with the emergency exits.
8. Wait for the bus to stop completely before getting up from your seat.
Getting Off the Bus:
1. Walk towards the exit.
2. Respect other students' personal space.
3. Use the handrail when exiting.
4. Walk away from the door and deep away from the bus' wheels.
5. Wait for a signal from the bus driver before crossing the street. Look left, right and then left again. Be alert for moving cars.
6. If you leave something on the bus, do not return to get it. The driver may not know you are on the bus and could move the bus.
7. Only get off at your designated stop unless you have a note from a parent.
8. If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. Do not go near he wheels.
9. Go straight home so an adult will know where you are.