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Out of Africa: The McGuire Version

Thursday, February 23, 2017

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We just returned from a 2 week guided safari to Kenya and Tanzania. We travelled in open-air jeeps, driving around seeking animals. We certainly saw them: lions, cheetahs, elephants, leopards, impalas, African buffalos, zebras, giraffes, monkeys, gazelles, hippos, hyenas, and so much more! We were able to get up close and personal, and at one point I could have reached out and touched a lion (I didn't!). Another time, our jeep was right in the middle of 50 migrating elephants. What a thrilling experience!

Our group was composed of 27 individuals from all walks of life. There was no "KID" on this trip; just a terrific group of people who were respectful to each other and fun to be with. It started me thinking about what attributes would make a good tour group member. It's no surprise that they are similar to the core values addressed in the Don't Be That KID! At School Resource Guide:

RESPECT OTHERS' SPACE: Be friendly and introduce yourself to members of the group but also understand that not everyone feels like being in a group setting all of the time.

INCLUDE OTHERS: There may be some single members in the group. Invite them to join you for lunch or dinner. It will mean a lot to them.

BE RESPONSIBLE: Check to make sure you have all of your belongings with you before the tour leaves a destination.

BE KIND & RESPECTFUL: It costs nothing to be nice to your fellow travelers and the rewards are priceless. Be available to assist anyone in need. It will be appreciated.

BE POSITIVE: Things can go wrong on any trip. Keep an open mind and treat everything as an adventure. You will not have an enjoyable trip with a negative attitude. And... no one will want to be around you!

BE OPEN-MINDED: Why not try something new? On our trip, we went on a hot-air balloon ride. It was exciting to see the animals from that perspective.

BE PATIENT: Not everyone walks at the same pace and there will always be those who need a little more time at a rest stop. Relax and enjoy the surroundings. Remember, you'll get to the next destination.

BE FLEXIBLE: A tour guide is trying his/her best to follow the posted itinerary. However, sometimes something happens like the weather not cooperating and the original plans have to be scrapped. Think of it as an opportunity to do something unexpected. Perhaps the day will turn out even better than the original plan!

LISTEN & LEARN: Your tour director will be a wealth of information. Ask relevant questions and give others the opportunity to do the same.

Meeting new people and learning about other cultures expands our knowledge and increases our capacity for personal growth, compassion and joy. Our trip to Africa was one I'll never forget!

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