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Reflecting on Family Values

Sunday, November 20, 2016

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Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reflect on family values.

When our family and friends join together to share a Thanksgiving meal, it's customary to go around the table asking everyone to state something for which they are thankful. This year, I'd like you to consider also discussing your core family values.
Family values are passed down from generation to generation. They can assist families to establish behavior expectations, help children to make good choices and increase the bond between family members.
Ask the family "What is important to us as a family?" Consider various values like social values (such as being respectful of others), spiritual values (such as being honest), relationship values (such as being kind to others), character values (such as being loyal), and work values (such as giving 100%). Make a list and begin a family discussion. I assure you that you will have an interesting and productive Thanksgiving dinner! When you've completed the list, go to page 71 in the Don't Be That KID! At School Resource Guide and create your Family Crest.

What are the McGuire Family values? Just look at the Table of Contents in the Don't Be That KID! At School Resource Guide and you will know what values are important to us.
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

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