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Rounding Third

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Comments: 1

I was honored to be interviewed on Scott Coucheneur's podcast, "The 4th Quarter Dynamo: Lois McGuire's Journey from Retirement to Thriving Business Owner" on July 25th.

Through his business, "Serve Strong Finish Strong", Scott coaches people in their 40's and 50's who want to make a significant impact for the rest of their lives.

In my 4th Quarter, I've made an impact through participating on philanthropic boards in the community, becoming president of my community, teaching over 100 women Mah Jongg and, of course, writing the "Don't Be That KID!" Series.

I like to think of the stages of life like a baseball field:

1st Base is from birth to age 19. It the most crucial period in a person's development. Children are learning core values like honesty, respect, hard work, kindness and self-reflection, as examples, that will form their character into young adulthood. It is during this period that we learn the skills of getting along with others and delve into interests that could become our future career. We are learning to learn and making mistakes along the way. Positive family involvement is critical during this time. It helps us feel self-assured and willing to take risks knowing we have plenty of time to regroup.

2nd Base, from ages 20-39, is the period when we take everything we have learned so far and begin to create a meaningful life that includes work, perhaps marriage and children, traveling and establishing close relationships that could last forever. We are settling down and enriching ourselves personally and professionally. All of the values we learned at 1st base are helping us to "climb up the ladder" to reach our goals.

Running to 3rd Base, from ages 40-49, could be the most productive. Hopefully, we are reaching the pinnacle of our career; our relationships have grown and matured; and we are beginning to see the "fruits of our labor" personally, professionally and financially.

As we reach 3rd Base (ages 50-59), we start to contemplate our retirement goals. Where do we want to live? How do we envision it? Are we financially secure? It's a time when we want to assure that we are "strong in mind and body".

Rounding 3rd Base is from ages 60 onward. It's what we've been striving to attain! Hopefully, the values and skills we've acquired running the bases have helped us reach our goals to enable us to now focus on activities in retirement: volunteering, playing sports and games, traveling, and creating a life that is enriching and impactful for ourselves and others. It is also a time when we plan our estate to assure a smooth transition.

As for me, at age 75, I have stopped running and am now walking very slowly so I can still have at least another 20 years, hopefully, staying healthy and engaged before I reach HOME.

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  1. Tania Kinney Tania Kinney I like that analogy! One day we’ll make it home ❤️ Tuesday, August 15, 2023
