The Value of Instilling Values
Friday, June 25, 2021
When I began writing "Don't Be That KID! At School," I wrote down the 15 values I thought were crucial for children to learn and wrote a scene for each one: (1) LEARNING FROM ELDERS, (2) RESPECTING OTHERS' SPACE, (3) BEING HONEST, (4) BEING ORGANIZED, (5) INCLUDING OTHERS, (6) BEING CONSIDERATE, (7) RESPECTING OTHERS' PROPERTY, (8) BEING RESPONSIBLE, (9) SOLVING PROBLEMS, (10) BEING KIND, (11) BEING RESPECTFUL, (12) BEING POSITIVE, (13) MAKING GOOD CHOICES, (14) COMPLETING TASKS, (15) LEARNING SELF-REFLECTION.
The "Don't Be That KID! At School Resource Guide" is filled with meaningful activities for each value separated into grades K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. When I wrote "Don't Be That KID! At Home," I also added the values of LEARNING TO SHARE AND LEARNING GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.
Learning positive values in childhood enables us to form meaningful relationships with others.They give children the skills needed to be able to form friendships and keep friends. As an adult, we are able to get a job and keep a job. Any meaningful relationship is based upon having similar core values. It's why some marriages last and others don't.
It's important for parents, grandparents and educators to infuse teaching core values every day. Our children will thank us for it!